EMAIL: Tues, May
28 11:18
Subject: Hello
Howdy Y'all!
I hope that y'all have had a fantastic week. Happy Memorial
Day! Because of the holiday, President Durrant asked us to work longer
yesterday and take the time to email today.
This last week has been hard work but also a lot of fun at
the same time. Sadly we haven't been able to see our investigator Patty for a
while because she has been out of town and then sick before that. Patty gets
back in town in a couple of days, so hopefully we can see and teach her soon.
We lost our one of our investigators this last week, which
was really sad because I felt like she was starting to progress again. Sandra
has been investigating the church for many years. She came to church on
Mother's Day. Sandra never comes to Relief Society Meeting, so when I saw that
she was going to skip that class again I went over and invited her. I tapped
Sandra on the shoulder and then all I asked was if she would like to come to
Relief Society. She flipped her head angrily at me and said that she didn't
want to come and "don't talk to me about it ever again" then she
stormed out of church. Well this was 2 weeks ago, and we have been trying to
get a hold of Sandra. Finally she text us back on Sunday.
She told us that she is going to go to a different ward and find new
missionaries to teach her. I feel so bad that I possibly offended Sandra. I
often was loving but bold with her. I wanted her to make commitments that would
help her increase her faith and help her progress towards baptism. I hope that
whichever new missionaries Sandra finds can help her make the steps to becoming
a member of the church. Sandra knows that the church is true and that the Book
of Mormon is true. I hope that Sandra can feel the spirit prompting her to make
changes and find true happiness and peace in her life.
The rest of the week has been pretty good though. Friday night Sister Horne and I were riding our bikes home.
All of the sudden we had a sudden Texas
rainstorm. We biked for cover at a store. Our usual person that can pick us and
our bikes up had lent her truck for the day, so we were stuck, and we really
didn't have time to wait for someone to come save us. Finally the rain let up
enough for us to bike home. We rode for about 10 minutes and the rain started
pouring again. Within a matter of moments we were drenched. I have never been
so wet and soggy in my entire life (short of jumping in a swimming pool). It
was raining buckets!! Poor Sister Horne though. I thought of how pathetic we
must look, and I couldn't help but laugh. Soon Sister Horne was laughing and
enjoying the pouring rain too. The rain was so hard we had to walk our bikes
home through the flooded Texas
streets. We made it home a little late and very, very wet, but we were safe.
Once I decided to be happy in the situation, I had so much fun getting wet. It
will definitely be a memorable mission experience.
Yesterday I also had another first experience. Sister Horne
and I went to the Solanos for a cookout. They made us "lengua" tacos!
Tongue Tacos!! Of course there was other meat too, but I did eat an entire taco
with tongue meat. I couldn't pass up such an opportunity (even though it looked
really gross to watch her peel the skin off and still see the taste buds on the
meat). The tongue pretty much just tastes like meat but just a little more
chewy. Not too bad, although I don't think I ever need to do it again. Sister
Horne thinks I am crazy, although I got her to take a bite too.
Another funny story about the Solanos this week. Every time we
visit I tell their little girl, Sofia (3 yrs
old), that I am going to bring her home to Utah with me. She always says she doesn't
want to go because she wants to stay with her papi and mami. This has been going
on for about a month. This Sunday as Sister Solano was
dropping us at home, Sofia started taking off
her seat belt and telling her mom "I'm going to Utah with Sister Peck". Oh man! As we
ate with them yesterday, Sofia kept telling
everyone that she is going to pack her clothes and come with me to Utah to see the
mountains and my doggies. The Solanos just laugh and keep teasing her about it.
I've had to stop teasing her though because I am afraid she is going to be
really sad when she can't come with me in a couple of months. On the other
hand, I am happy to finally have gained Princess Sofia's love and trust. Maybe
I will have to bring her home with me :) The Solanos will be visiting Utah sometime in the next year, so hopefully that will
placate Sofia .
The best news of the week is that we just got a new ward
missionary. Kelli Burns (that recently came back to church) was called to work
with us. She is outstanding! We have been talking with Kelli a lot, and we
already have tons of new ideas to help people catch the vision of missionary
work in the ward. We are going to start with teaching all of the presidents and
counselors of the auxiliaries the message of the Restoration. This way we can
build their trust and confidence in them. We can also then show them what we
expect of members that come teaching with the missionaries. Our ultimate goal
is to help each of these families feel comfortable coming out teaching with us
and also seek for missionary opportunities of their own. I am really excited to
work with Kelli. It is miraculous to think that only a few months ago she had
not come to church is over 10 years. Now Kelli is fully active, has a calling,
and is working diligently to help increase the missionary spirit in the ward.
How wonderful! Kelli is also taking full responsibility for each of our
investigators. She is fellowshipping them and she is even planning on taking
one of them to a 12-Step program each week. I love Kelli! Hopefully with her
help, we will have more wonderful members like her soon.
Well I hope that all y'all have a great week! I know that I
will! I love being a missionary. It is so great and such a blessing to serve
the Lord. I have been memorizing St.
John 4:35-36 this week. The
Savior tells His disciples that the harvest is now! I am trying to be diligent
and have the perspective that there are souls prepared now and there will be
souls in four months too. I love the promise that the Savior also gives. He
promises that both he that soweth and he that reapeth shall find joy in the harvest.
Also in Jacob 5:75 the Lord gives His servants joy as they do harvest
diligently and obediently. This is why I love missionary work; even though it
can be hard and it can be sad, the joy is immeasurable. I love having joy in
the Lord and in His work. I love being a missionary!!
Love always - Sister Peck
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