Tuesday, June 25, 2013

EMAIL:   Mon, June 17, 2013     3:55 PM
Subject:  Happy Father's Day!


Hope y'all had a good week. Happy Father's Day to my Dad, Grandpa, Papa, and all of the other men that read my emails. I hope that y'all had a great day yesterday.

This week we finally got in touch with Patty.  We were stopping by her apartment right as she pulled up after grocery shopping.  Patty invited us in for a little after commenting how "persistent" we missionaries are.  The reason why we haven't seen Patty lately is because she is "running away" again.  The last time we saw Patty was at church on Mother's Day, and she said that she did not enjoy church at all. Basically, Patty said she felt bored and uncomfortable (not for lack of people greeting her).  In the end, Patty said we can come by and visit whenever we catch her home. She said we can even talk about Jesus when we come. But she said that she is not going to read from the Book of Mormon, and she is definitely not going to come to church again.  I am not sure why Patty had such an awful time at church because plenty of people said hi and she even participated in the Sunday school lesson. I guess that change can be uncomfortable sometimes. Aligning our life with God and repenting is not always comfortable. Patty thinks she will go back to the Catholic church because it is comfortable there.

It made me really sad to she how much Patty has digressed and fallen away from what we taught her. She has had so many miraculous and truth-confirming experiences with the Book of Mormon. I don't know how she can deny it. I wish we had spent more time helping her recognize the spirit and how we can receive answers from God. I love Patty and I still hope and pray for the best for her. I know if she were to read from the BOM again that she would be blessed and it would help her overcome all of the problems and temptations she is facing. I hope that one day she will pick the BOM off her shelf and read a verse that will help her. I hope that she can remember the experiences that she has had with the BOM.  I know that the Book of Mormon is true! It is scripture from our loving Heavenly Father and it will help us overcome our trials and temptations. Reading from the Book of Mormon will bring us peace and happiness in our lives.

We found out one of our new investigators has sleep apnea this week. That explains why he often falls asleep multiple times in our lessons. Makes me feel a little better that I am not so boring. Sister Horne and I are not really sure how to keep teaching him yet, but we definitely want to go back because the 19-year old son is interested.  I guess we are going to have to teach short and powerful 10 minute lessons (because he starts falling asleep after 10 minutes). Should be interesting.

Yesterday I ate "grits" for the first time. It amazes me some of the things the southern people down here eat. I must say that I really enjoyed the grits though with some sausage and eggs in it. Yum!

I hope that y'all have a wonderful week. May the Lord bless each of you.

Love always - Sister Peck

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