Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Allen, Tx

EMAIL:   Mon, July 15, 2013    3:49 PM
Subject:  Weekly Email!


Sacrament Meeting yesterday was a disaster!! Sister Judd and I were able to get out investigator Ben to come to church.  It is the first time Allen 5th has had anyone to church in months. But... church was interesting.  First, all of the Bishopric was gone. Then, Ben had had a rough night and was not in a very good mood. While he was waiting in the hall, someone rang the loud annoying bell right over his head, and Ben was not too happy. So by the time we went into sacrament, Ben was not very open to feeling the spirit. Ben also believes that religion should be all about worshiping God. The first talk was pretty great on the Holy Ghost. The second talk was a good talk, but it was about temples. The speaker did not mention God or Christ at all. Ben kept asking in a loud voice when they were planning on worshipping God. So by the third talk, Ben was not happy. And guess what... The talk was assigned by the stake presidency to talk about cleaning our church building and being reverent in them.  Unfortunately, Ben saw this as just protecting our "money" because he still doesn't quite get that everything in the church is volunteer. He didn't realize how all of these topics tie back to God. Ben was so infuriated by the middle of the third talk that didn't "praise God" that he quite literally and loudly stormed out of church. Oh dear. Blessedly, the Elder Quorum President followed Ben out, and after Ben got in a yelling fight with another member in the hallway, The EQP gave Ben a ride home.  They did have a good chat on the drive, and Ben is still willing to meet with us and he said he would even come back to church next week. What a relief!

That is probably the most exciting thing that happened here this week. Poor Sister Judd- her first investigator at church and he stormed out.  I can't blame Ben too much because he is right, sacrament meeting should be a time that we worship our Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ.  For an entire meeting to not even mention their names is probably not the best. Hopefully the Bishop can better arrange the meeting to talk about Christ next week when Ben comes to church again. The Bishop is also going to come to a lesson at Ben's this week with us. Sister Judd and I will be doing a lot of explaining and overcoming concerns this week with Ben.  It should be interesting.

Everything else is going pretty well in Allen 5th. Sister Judd is a great missionary. I am so happy to be her companion. I know that she will do great things here in Allen 5th and for the rest of her mission. I appreciate her willingness to work diligently and be obedient. I love her so much.  I love all of the companions that I have had.  I love all of the areas that I have served in Texas. I love my mission!!! 

I love y'all so much!  May y'all have a blessed week.

Love -Sister Peck

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