Tuesday, April 9, 2013

EMAIL:   Mon, April 8, 2013     11:13 AM
Subject:  General Conference


Hope that all y'all had the opportunity to watch General Conference this weekend. It was amazing!! I love being able to watch, listen, and learn from a modern-day prophet and apostles. How amazing is that!?! How many other churches can have that claim? The LDS Church is truly Christ's church again restored to the earth. It is set up the exact same way that Christ organized His church when He was one the earth and the same way that the church had been organized in previous dispensations. I love in Ephesians 4:11-14 when it tells us that Christ called apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors and teachers to help all of the saints and followers become perfected and anchored in the gospel. How amazing that we still have that organization and strength and power on the earth today! It is so beautiful to me that this truly is the Lord's church as manifested by the organization. Our loving Heavenly Father truly is the same yesterday, today, and forever. I just love our church!!

Sister Brown and I are still working diligently to find people to teach and bring unto Christ. We tracted and found a man named James this last week. Turns out, his wife was a member of our church over 20 years ago. She stopped going to church when 2 of our missionaries told her that she would never go to the Celestial Kingdom because she was going to marry a nonmember. So now Amy is married to James (a nonmember) and they and their 2 girls are very active in the nearest Baptist church down the street. They are actually an amazing family and very sweet, so Sister Brown and I are trying to figure out how to teach them the lessons. They are willing to have us visit, but James and Amy don't really care to hear about our faith because they are so strong in their own.

Sister Brown and I found another man named Jimmy. He is also very active in his church and they have been studying Mormonism lately, so we asked if he would be willing to listen to our message as presented by us (actual Mormon members). Jimmy is going to let us come back in a few days and share the message of the restoration.

I have hope that these people will have the desire to learn more as we meet with them and share the gospel through the spirit. I loved in General Conference how Elder Andersen said that the Lord is truly hastening His work. It is amazing how many more missionaries there are now, and Elder Andersen promised that the Lord is also preparing more people to hear about the restoration of the gospel. There are prepared hearts all throughout the land that are waiting to hear the word of the Lord (Alma 16:16). People may not know that the gospel is what they are lacking in their lives, but as members and missionaries continue to share the gospel, our message will fill the holes and their deepest desires and questions.

I love y'all so much. I hope that each of you is praying for opportunities to share the gospel with others. As you truly understand the Atonement, then your desire to share the gospel with others will increase. As I understand more about the gospel then I want to share what I understand with others. It is like ice cream... When I find my favorite flavor of ice cream (Red Velvet Cake Blue Bell) then I want to tell everyone else about it. I want everyone to taste my favorite ice cream because it is so good and it makes me so happy and it sweetens my life. The gospel is the same! If is makes us happy and answers our questions, shouldn't we want other people to have the same? If we loved General Conference and were touched by the spirit, shouldn't we want others to have the same??

I love the gospel!! I love sharing it with others! The Gospel of Jesus Christ is so sweet and so beautiful that I want everyone to taste of it goodness. I love being a missionary. I love being a part of the same church of Jesus Christ that existed on the earth during His time. Isn't that beautiful!

I love y'all so much!!! May all y'all have a blessed week.

Love Sister Peck

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