Saturday, May 18, 2013

EMAIL:   Mon, May 13, 2013     10:38 AM
Subject:  Hello!

How are all y'all doing this week?

It has been a wonderful week here in Plano 6th Ward. Sister Brown and I have been very blessed to see many miracles the past 2 weeks. The first exciting news is that our investigator Patty came to church this Sunday!!!!! There are so many things that I believed helped her make the commitment to come to church, starting with the dinner at the Solanos last week and the Bishop showing up as an answer to her prayers. Sister Brown and I also taught her two great lessons this week. To the first lesson we took our recently activated Sister Burns with us. Immediately, Sister Burns and Patty were friends and laughing with each other and talking about the gospel. It was fantastic! Sister Burns (even though she has been inactive for the last 10 years) is a great teacher of the gospel. She is a returned sister missionary and a convert, so she had some really great perspectives that she shared with Patty.

Patty is progressing so much! Another thing that helped Patty was an experience she had with the Book of Mormon last Monday. She decided to just open to a random place in the scriptures. Of course the verse she opened to was "do not procrastinate the day of your repentance...". Sister Brown and I soon received a worried text from Patty saying she had read that verse, was scared, so she shut her scriptures. Sister Brown and I were busily searching for another more reassuring scripture to share with Patty when we got another text from her. Patty said she had decided to have faith and open the BOM randomly again. This time she read "fear not". What great experiences Patty is having with the BOM! It was when Patty read these scriptures that she committed to herself and God that she would be at church this week, and we are so excited that she did come.

More exciting news of the week is that Sister Brown and I set two baptismal dates on Saturday. I can't even explain how happy this made us because our ward hasn't had a baptismal date since last October. On Friday we met Brother Davis. He didn't have time to talk, but invited us to come back on Saturday. So Sister Brown and I came back on Saturday. Brother Davis and his 9 year old son Taylor were home and waiting for us to teach them about Jesus. We still don't know much about the Davis family, but we taught them the Restoration and committed them to be baptized. Brother Davis was a little bit hesitant, but Taylor really wanted to be baptized, so Brother Davis said he would be too, if he finds out our message is true. Their baptismal dates are set for June 15th, and I am looking forward to teaching them more and having the gospel bless their family.

This week is transfers... Sister Brown is leaving and heading to Grand Prairie. I keep telling her that I am so jealous because I loved the few weeks that I spent in that area. I will be staying in Plano 6th- I love Plano 6th too. I don't know who my companion is yet because she is going to be a brand new missionary just coming from the MTC. I am really humbled but excited to be training again. There are so many good things finally happening in the Plano 6th Ward, but also still a lot of work to find and do, so it will be great training grounds for a new sister missionary. I am looking forward to meeting my companion tomorrow and getting to work (we will have to get her a bike first though...). I love Sister Brown and I am grateful for the 3 months we spent together. She is a diligent worker and very charitable and she loves riding the bikes (which definitely kept me going). Sister Brown will be great in Grand Prairie. I am looking forward to my new sister and all of the fun we are going to have and all of the people that we are going to baptize and share the gospel with.

I love being a missionary! I love representing my Savior! I love all of the companions that I have had for all of the different strengths that they have had. I love teaching the gospel! I love helping people to change their lives.

I love all y'all so much! May the Lord bless each of you this week.

Love Sister Peck!

Waiting for mail from anyone!

The Bluebells of Texas

With her companion Sister Brown

Sister Mc's original MTC group reunion

Transfer Day - May 13

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